Missing Classmates

This is a list of classmates that we do not have any contact info for OR cannot verify that what we have is a good contact.  If you are on this list, please fill in your contact info.  ALSO, if you are in contact with anyone on the list, please pass on the information for the website and encourage them to join!  We would like to see everyone at the reunion, but realize it may not be possible.  

REMEMBER:  all contact information is private to this group and website.  It will never be shared or use for promotions.  We all value our privacy and protect it.

Gayle Beecher
Paula Bristow
Michael Bryant
Lance Butler
Michelle Chapados (Davis)
Debbie Chapman
Wendy Courtright
Leanne Decker
Michael Erhart
Karen Faler
Lauri Glenn
Terry Gossard
Chuck Howley
Tom Jacobs
Steven Johnson
Charles Layton
Darla Malone
Terri Martin
Mike McIntyre
Carolyn Morris
Becky Peters (Dempsey)
John Powell
Rayette Quick
Mariam Quinn
Nancy Reno
Tony Romanelli
Joe Schellman
Coleen Shelton (Davis)
Gary Smith
James Robert Smith
Laverne Steele
Charlene Stokes
Ted Switzer
Terri Welch
Mary Willcocks
Cindy Wilson